
Reiki is an energy work modality that supports rest, relaxation and nervous system regulation. When we get stuck in an activated state, the mind and body rarely have an opportunity for regeneration and healing. Over long periods, this can lead to a breakdown of physical and mental wellbeing.

Reiki can create a safe space for recovery. The gentle energy that is emitted tunes the nervous system and subtle energy fields of the body to one of ease and flow, which provides an opportunity to bring the mind and body back to a state of balance.  When we can find the balanced state within ourselves, it is easier to guide the mind and body to that place when life gets a little hectic. Reiki can be supportive for people experiencing or recovering from long term stress, chronic pain or illness, trauma, PTSD, and addiction, as well as anyone looking to support their overall health and wellbeing.

Reiki practitioners’ styles vary from person to person.  My practice tends to be very slow and grounded, focusing primarily on calming the nervous system and aligning the mind, body, and spirit.  A lot of my work does surround supporting people in their recovery of trauma, and that may come up during a reiki session. If this arises, you will be fully supported and held, and we will provide a safe space for the parts that are coming for healing. 

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